The other night we took the kids out to dinner at the local buffet. You know, the place where you can get salad and pizza, ham and potatoes, tacos and fish and rolls and ice cream all at the same place? Something happened though as I sat there. I looked around and I saw the most amazing diversity, but not of food. It was an amazing diversity of people! I saw Asian families, Hispanics, African Americans, Native Americans, Caucasians and even a group who was hard of hearing sitting at the table next to us. It was as if God had invited all of his children to dinner that night and we all sat down and ate together.
I couldn't help but notice how similar we all were. Families sitting down and enjoying spending time together while eating. A child dancing under the hand dryer in the restroom while getting scolded by an older boy. Parents and children making their choice of menu items, and everyone seemed to be happy. I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but I did. The diversity in that restraunt was beautiful. My heart walked out of that building lifted because of what I had experienced.
My friends, don't believe the lies that America is broken! Do we always get along and see eye to eye? Of course not! Yet where else can so many diverse people sit down together? I truly feel it was a gift from God. We will always have problems to overcome and we will always have to care for the vulnerable. It has always and will always be that way, but we don't have to be a divided nation. We don't have to be fearful of one another. We can all sit down together at God's family dinner table and feast on his love. We do have to leave a couple of things at the door. You've got to leave your pride, your hate and your judgement. You're going to want to bring your compassion, forgiveness and love. You can keep your ideals and your healthy belief systems. I pray that you will join us for God's family dinner, where all who are willing to partake of God's goodness are welcome! Join us! Come feel the peace of the Savior and come and feel loved, while we feast together!