Friday, January 17, 2025


Sincerity is "The quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy." After a recent conversation with someone about the sincerity of birthday wishes on Facebook, I've had this word on my mind. We tend to get stuck in repetitive motions without always thinking sincerely about why we are doing what we are doing.

For example, in my faith, we are asked to minister to individuals in our congregation. When I was growing up this was called home teaching or visiting teaching. The expectation then was that you would visit the family or individuals once a month to see how they were doing. In April 2018, they changed the program and called it "ministering" and broadened the scope of what that looks like. I can be anything from visiting someone, going to lunch with them, taking a walk with them, or just a simple text or phone call and it can be as often as needed.

Some individuals have taken the road of, "Oh, good, I can do less," but more sincere individuals have seen it as, "Look how much more I can do!" This was exemplified in a movie my husband and I recently watched about a woman who was hired to care for a young man in a wheelchair. One of the things that stood out to me was the woman's sincerity. It was apparent at the beginning that the man was not interested in her being there but as she showed interest and her willingness to care he opened up to her and it allowed a great love to build.

While reading the book "Courage to Be You: Inspiring Lessons from An Unexpected Journey" by Gail Miller I was inspired. She said, "Love without service isn't love at all. It might be admiration, but it's not love." Service is wonderful and much more powerful when you add caring to the action. Gail also said, "What they appreciate most is a pure, two-word message: "I care."

Adding caring to the service and sincere love to the action will make all the difference. I chose these pictures because years ago my wonderful husband bought me roses which I loved and appreciated. My son was 4 years old and picked dandelions from the yard which I equally loved. The fact that they both loved me and cared about me made both gifts wonderful and sincere.

As you do daily tasks, recognize the importance of being sincere in what you do. This is a great time of year to slow down and be certain you are intentional in your efforts. As you do this your sincerity will shine forth and others will feel your love!

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Sincerity is  "The quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy." After a recent conversation with someone about the ...