Wednesday, November 24, 2021


"And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end."

-3 Nephi 27:19

If there is a better scripture about sleep, I could not find it. 😂 I have been working on making some changes to my sleep schedule. As eager as I am to make those changes I still haven't been able to get them to stick. I love my morning sleep too much and have the hardest time making myself go to bed early enough to wake up early in the morning. I'm not giving up though because I have noticed that my day runs so much smoother when I have time to prepare for my day the way I want. 

With or without those changes being met I will say that I am SO thankful for my ability to sleep. Many people struggle with getting to sleep and staying asleep and honestly those are not issues that I have. I'm grateful to be at a place in my life where my kids don't regularly disrupt my sleep. I'm grateful that the only hinderance to my sleep is my not being wise with my sleep. I'm also so very grateful that I know the importance of sleep and it's ability to repair my body. What a blessing to know these simple truths. 

I am grateful for sleep!

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