Wednesday, June 21, 2023

The culture of the church


While listening to a Podcast on my afternoon walk yesterday, I heard the phrase “The culture of the church.” The woman continued on to talk about how the culture of the church has a tendency to be very black and white. As I thought on her comments, I started to focus my walk on the colors I saw, and I couldn’t help but take pictures.
Too often the culture of the church is very short sighted. They tend to see right and wrong, good and bad, virtue or vice, worthy and unworthy. The beauty of the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ is that it is full of beautiful color! Christ can take all people who choose to come unto him, wherever they are, and make so much more of them.
He adds the color. He washes away the darkness and the mistakes and turns us into a beautiful colorful garden. He can make good of any difficult situation. I’ve seen him do it in my life as well as others.
People in the church or the culture of the church will always get it wrong because they are imperfect. They can’t see the world and its people as clearly as Christ in his perfect love and understanding sees it.
When you see things that bother you or hurt because of the culture please don’t think that is the gospel. Redirect your focus on Christ and his doctrine for it is he, not the church, who is mighty to save! As we focus on Christ, he can open our eyes to the beautiful color in the world around us!

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