Tuesday, November 30, 2021

My Savior, Jesus Christ

"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." 

-2 Nephi 25:26 

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my daily gratitudes. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because I love the opportunity to look and see what I have been blessed with. I love the joy that comes from counting my blessings. 

Of course my grandest blessing is that which comes from my savior, Jesus Christ. I am so grateful to know where I can turn for peace and rest in this difficult world. I’m thankful for the opportunity to correct my mistakes, to change, and repent. I’m amazed knowing that he suffered so he could know how to help me. I know that he walks with me when I struggle. I know that he can help me heal when I am hurt and betrayed. I know that because of him I can be resurrected and I can again see my loved ones who have left this earth. I know he lives and for that I am thankful! 

I am grateful for my savior Jesus Christ

Credit to www.lds.org

Monday, November 29, 2021

I am thankful for work!

 "And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did cause my people to be industrious, and to labor with their hands."

-2 Nephi 5:17 

A couple of years ago I had decided I needed to get a job so that we could get out of debt. My youngest still had a year at home and so I figured that if I could find a job that would allow me to take him with me, it would be ideal. I have an associates in Early Childhood Education so I knew that it was going to be easy as pie to find a job. Wrong! 

When my oldest was younger I worked in retail on nights and weekends when my husband could be home, but I hated being away from my family when they were home. Here I was looking for something I could fit into the five to six hours I had to offer and nothing was working. Either they wanted me too early or they needed me to stay later. I wouldn't be able to get my middle son off to 3rd grade or pick up my middle schooler and still have a job. Finally we came to the solution to pay off debts another way, for which I was grateful. 

With the Pandemic I was grateful that I was able to be home for my kids and I didn't have to worry about work. As happy as I was to be at home, my neighbor offered me a job and the flexibility was too hard to pass up. Going to work isn't always easy. This summer was really hard to leave my boys and go to work, but I am so grateful to have a job. It's such a blessing to have a job that works with my schedule and allows me to contribute to my families income while also contributing to the world outside of my home. It truly is a blessing to be able to work.

  I am thankful for the ability to work

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Freedom of Religion

 "And there was one day in every week that was set apart that they should gather themselves together to teach the people, and to worship the Lord their God, and also, as often as it was in their power, to assemble themselves together.

-Mosiah 18:25

I'm not certain before the Pandemic that I would have been able to understand the joy or the importance of being able to gather together as saints. I try to focus on gratitude, but if I am to be honest about my feelings, I miss the way things were before the Pandemic. I miss sitting right next to my friends without having any worry about whether or not I am being rude. I being with people and not wondering if I should be wearing a mask or not. I miss our small and more intimate Sunday School class. I miss it all! 

I am, however, thankful that we can meet together on Sundays as a ward family. I am thankful that we can have in person activities and I am grateful we were able to actually attend a girls camp this summer. I find joy in knowing that we still have the right to come together and worship the Lord and learn together of our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

I am truly thankful for my freedom of religion!

Photo credit www.lds.org

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Grateful for my Body and Exercise

"Behold, this body, which ye now behold, is the body of my spirit; and man have I created after the body of my spirit; and even as I appear unto thee to be in the spirit will I appear unto my people in the flesh."

-Ether 3:16 

The other day I picked out scriptures to go with my gratitudes, in a manner of thinking ahead. Today as I read this scripture and think about how well I took care of my body back in 2012 when these pictures were taken there is much for me to reflect on. Although only part time, I have struggled to get back into a regular exercise routine since taking my job over a year ago. I have done well though with improving my healthy eating habits. There is still room for improvement but I am so much better. 

All the regrets aside I do want to say that I am thankful for my body. I am grateful I have gained knowledge about how to fuel it better. I cherish the knowledge I have to be able to move my body in healthy ways and that I know what I know about how to exercise and care for my body. I may not be an expert in this field, but I am truly grateful for all I know about how to care for my body!

I am thankful for my body and exercise!

Addict to Athlete Race Fall of 2012 with my sister Cheryl
Addict to Athlete Race Fall of 2012 with my brother Brian

Friday, November 26, 2021

Marshal, sports and humor!

"For the Lord shall comfort Zion: he will comfort all her waste places; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody." 

-Isaiah 51:3 

Joy and gladness shall be found therein is a great way to describe my youngest son Marshal. He is my althlete who lives for games and competition. I am not really a competitive person for the most part so it's fun to watch him live for that drive to be the best. I do love that he had a great sense of humor. He is one funny and happy kid. I do truly love what he brings to our lives. He's got a lot of him dad in him and he teaches me a lot about how they both think! He is one smart kid and I love watching him learn and grow. 

I am grateful for Marshal and sports and humor

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Prophets of God

"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, 

but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."

-Amos 3:7

When I think of the Prophet Joseph Smith I think of the recent quote that I read about him from my Great Grandpa Jesse. N. Smith. It says, 

“I may say I was never so impressed by any person. I am unable to fully describe my sensations when in the presence of this wonderful man. I only know that I rejoiced being in his presence. No voice that I had ever heard seemed to me to be such a voice. I have never heard any human voice, not even my mother’s, that was so attractive to me. Even his bitterest enemies, if they had the privilege of hearing him speak, became mollified, and forgot their anger. Now I believe even his murderers, at the last, if their passions could have been stilled, if their anger by which they were enraged and were no longer men, could have heard his voice, his impressive voice, and listened to his explanations, I do not believe they would have demanded his life. It was a sort of insanity. The powers of evil are abroad in the world. They obtain dominion sometimes of the children of men. It was under this circumstance that they were impelled to make that mad attack.”

I am beyond grateful for the Prophet Joseph Smith. I know that he was a prophet of God! I know that he restored the gospel and church of Jesus Christ upon the earth in this day and age. I know that he restored the keys to God's Holy Priesthood here upon the earth. I am grateful for that gospel and those keys in my life. I am equally grateful for the modern day prophet, Russell M. Nelson. I am thankful in this crazy and chaotic world that we have a prophet today to lead and guide us. I know that President Russell M. Nelson is the prophet and I am thankful for his guidance today.

I am thankful for Prophets!

Credit to LDS.org

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


"And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness unto the end."

-3 Nephi 27:19

If there is a better scripture about sleep, I could not find it. 😂 I have been working on making some changes to my sleep schedule. As eager as I am to make those changes I still haven't been able to get them to stick. I love my morning sleep too much and have the hardest time making myself go to bed early enough to wake up early in the morning. I'm not giving up though because I have noticed that my day runs so much smoother when I have time to prepare for my day the way I want. 

With or without those changes being met I will say that I am SO thankful for my ability to sleep. Many people struggle with getting to sleep and staying asleep and honestly those are not issues that I have. I'm grateful to be at a place in my life where my kids don't regularly disrupt my sleep. I'm grateful that the only hinderance to my sleep is my not being wise with my sleep. I'm also so very grateful that I know the importance of sleep and it's ability to repair my body. What a blessing to know these simple truths. 

I am grateful for sleep!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


"And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandmentsshall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;"

-D&C 89:18 

I have enjoyed relatively good health for almost all of my life. Of course I've been sick before, but for the most part I have enjoyed a healthy life. As I look at the scripture above it would be an easy for a person dealing with health issues to take issue with it. One could say, 'but I am keeping the commandments and I don't have health in my navel.' The truth is that the Lord does allow us to suffer, but not without making it work for our good. 

As I said earlier I have enjoyed good health most of my life. Yet, I have still been allowed to suffer with depression and anxiety, I've still suffered from a gluten intolerance. The blessing in my sufferings is that now when I see someone going into an unhealthy mental spiral it is so much easier for me to recognize and start to help them find mentally healthy ways to deal with it. Many times I come across people with dietary restrictions and if you have never had to limit your diet or amend your diet it's really hard to think about how to feed them. I may not have all the dietary answers but after eating gluten free for so many years I know that there is a solution and I am willing to find it. 

After struggling through my unhealthy places I am so thankful to be able to count my health as one of my blessings. It does make my life that much more sweet to know that I am in a healthy place mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually! 

I am thankful for good health!   

Photo of my family and I at Delicate Arch in Arches National Park in 2017

Monday, November 22, 2021


 Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work." 

-D&C 10:5 

When I was a little girl I watched a program on tv that spoke about a light in a bush that later resulted in an old lady having her jewelry stolen. As an adult I can think back on that show and realize just how hokey and innocent it was, but as a child it was truly terrifying to me. That night as I went to sleep my imagination got the best of me and I was terrified of the street lights I could see outside my window. I prayed for safety and protection from that fear. 

As I grew so did my prayers. Over the years I have prayed to not be lonely, I've prayed for sick and wayward loved ones. My prayers have been for my husband and children as well as complete strangers. I have prayed for angels and for miracles. Many of those prayers have been answered the way I wanted and many have not, but I can't think of one prayer that has gone unanswered if I am willing to wait for God's timing. I am so grateful to know that I have a Father in Heaven who will listen and answer the prayers of his daughter. I feel blessed to know that I can turn to him in prayer!  

I am thankful for prayer!

Photo Credit LDS.org

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Cort....Animals, Art and People!

"And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents."

-Matthew 25:15-16  

Today I want to celebrate when my son Cort brings into my life. He is my animal lover. I came up with the idea to post things I am thankful for along with my kids after I had posted about my gratitude for animals or that would be today's post. I am so thankful that Cort has taught me how to love animals. He is also my artist. He loves to be creative in drawing and painting and anything that he can learn to do creative wise. He is also my people lover. From the time he was young he has loved to interact with people. Even before he was a year he was walking all around at church helping us get to know everyone. Walking through the grocery store he had to talk to EVERYONE. Most of the time I loved it, but when I was on a time crunch not so much. He's not afraid to ask anyone anything, including if they will give him something. 😂The other day he was negotiating with my youngest son's school teacher to try and get me to come to his Halloween party over his brothers. She said his exact words were, "Maybe we can make a deal." I don't doubt it for one minute. He truly does teach me how to advocate for myself! He's such a blessing in my life and I am so greatful we've been blessed to have him for the last 11 years! 

I am thankful for Cort

and Animals, Art and People!

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Rich in Friendship!

"Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands.

-D&C 121:9 

There are so many thoughts I could share about friends. As my children grow older I am not only thankful for the wonderful friends who have blessed my life and Kent's life, but I am so thankful for the wonderful friends who have blessed the lives of my children. I wish I could post a photo of each and every one of the individuals who have blessed the lives of my family members. Unfortunately, I don't even think that I have photos of each and every one of you. If you are reading this, and you are a friend of anyone in my family please know that you are imprinted on my heart and I am truly grateful for you! 

I am grateful for friends!

Friday, November 19, 2021


"The Savior came to a world with limited opportunity for travel and communications. Cities were located on waterways, the seas and rivers which afforded the best means of travel. Transportation by water had developed from the log to the raft to the canoe, and then on to the sailboat, which offered the best means of moving great distances. Land travel was difficult with only a few roads, oft-times dangerous; most land travel was by foot, sometimes with the aid of domestic animals such as the dog, the horse, the donkey, the ox, and the camel." 

-He Hath Given a Law Unto All Things L. TOM PERRY November 29, 1977

I love being reminded of just how blessed we are to live in this day. In the last 220 years we have added trains to our means of transportation. Before that it was as the quote above says, by foot, animal or water transportation. For the last 135 years we've added the invention of cars and continued to make them faster and safer for travel. It has only been in the last 118 years that we have been able to travel in airplanes, making a majority of the world accessible to all. What an amazing time to live. I feel so very blessed to have the ability to travel to and from my many destinations. Not only do I have a truck to haul and pull and carry things, but I have a van that can transport not only my family but extra guests as well. This last year we purchased a little car which allows us to have an extra vehicle if one of the others need work, and it is very fuel efficient. 

I am thankful for transportation!

Thursday, November 18, 2021


 “Media and advancing technologies are wonderful gifts from God. They make it possible to spread the gospel to the world, engage with family history in amazing ways, and connect with people you love. While many blessings come from positive technology use, it is important to understand how best to use these tools.” -LDS.org Understanding Media

I’ve heard it said that Social Media is just a place for people to go online and whine. I’ve also heard it said that some Social Media sights are run by the devil. I’m not going to say they’re right or wrong because it’s not entirely untrue. I do believe that with all things in life you will find what you are looking for. For me Social Media can be a double edged sword. On the one hand it allows me to stay in touch with people who I would wonder about without it and on the order hand it can be a quick dive into unhealthy thought patterns. The one thing I truly love is that it gives me a chance to stay engaged with some of the most wonderful people. I’m truly thankful for the opportunity to connect with so many of my dear friends whom I have known throughout my life! 

I am thankful for technology

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Searching the Scriptures

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

-Matthew 11:29

I haven't always loved or even understood the scriptures. I do know that the older I get the more I have grown to love learning about the gospel. For many years I used to live my life as if I could "work" my way to perfection or perhaps I could "earn" the right to cross the pearly gates. Since then my testimony of Jesus Christ has grown. No matter how perfectly I live my life I will still fall short of being perfect enough to reach exaltation. It is literally not possible without the atonement of Jesus Christ. 

Knowing this has changed my ability to understand the scriptures. I now realize the beautiful simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I all comes down to following Christ. Learn of him, study about his life and his teachings, and then partake in his atonement daily. Where do you learn all of this? It is all there in the scriptures. If you want to understand any of the questions that life will give you, the answer is in the scriptures. What a blessing to us that God has given us his guidebook. What a blessing to read and watch the love that God has for his children, unfold as those words come off the pages. What a beautiful blessing!

I am grateful for the Word of God; His Holy Scriptures! 

Photo from www.LDS.org

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Freedom to Choose

"Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself."
-2 Nephi 2:27

Once upon a time I didn't honestly realize that I had a choice. I think that sometimes we are taught so well how to behave, that we think behaving is the only choice. It wasn't until a choice I had never know opened up so clearly that I took a new path. Have you ever heard the phrase "it's my way or the highway?" Well, it was as if I finally learned that the highway was actually an option. 

The other day I were put the pressure on for my son to come with us when he didn't want to. I thanked him for choosing to come with me and a little bit under his breath he said, "I don't feel like I have a choice." I was truly grateful to have learned this lesson. I explained to him how running away and hiding could have been an option. Yes, consequences would have come, but there is always a choice. I am thankful for that choice and in a world where choices feel in danger of slipping away I am determined to fight for that freedom to choose. It's important that we have the freedom to choose always!

I am thankful for the freedom to choose!

Monday, November 15, 2021

Comfortable Temperatures

"My glowing fire, my loaf of bread,
my roof's safe shelter overhead
That he too may be comforted."
-Hymn #219

When they talk about cold-blooded animals I think they are actually referring to people like me. I freeze and as the weather had turned colder at night and even during the day I am thankful for the opportunity to sit by a warm heater in my warm home. The more I learn about my ancestors and all that they endured, the more grateful I am to have heat in the cold months and air conditioning in the warm months. We are blessed to be alive in this day and age!

I am thankful for comfortable temperatures!  

Sunday, November 14, 2021

I Am Thankful for the Gift of Knowledge!

"And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom, seek learning even by study and also by faith."

-Doctrine & Covenants 109:7

I started off the month feel optimistic about sharing my gratitude, but life in getting busy and it is so easy to toss taking the time for gratitude out the window. I continue to persist when I can. Today I am thankful for education. I have been blessed to learn about so many of my ancestors and the ancestors of my husband. More than once it has been said that most of their learning came on their own and by way of books. I love learning, but I am not a speedy reader so Podcasts are more appealing to me. I do love learning though. I am thankful to live in a place where knowledge is plentiful. There's isn't much you can not learn if you have the thirst and the drive to do so. I am so thankful for the opportunity we have to learn and grow and to improve. 

I am grateful for education!

Some of my favorite Podcasts and Books.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Braxton...Music and the Arts!

"If thou art merrypraise the Lord with singing, with music, with dancing, and with a prayer of praise and thanksgiving."

-Doctrine & Covenants 136:28

It's amazing to me how a three boys, like mine, can be SO very different! My oldest Braxton has always been good at keeping himself entertained. When he was little you would find him quietly playing in his room and if he was outside he was always close to our apartment and quick to come when we called him. As a teenager he's my introverted child. While I do sometimes wish he'd share a little more with me without me having to pry I do sincerely appreciate that he and I can sit quietly in a room together and enjoy the peace and quiet. 

When Braxton was younger I was eager to find the sport that he loved. I put him in baseball, soccer, and even flag football hoping he'd find his niche. After watching him practice karate moves on the soccer field, and then tell me no when I asked him if he'd like to try karate, I finally gave up on pushing him into sports. When he came home and told me he was going to try out for the school play I was very proud of him. After I saw him in the school play I realized that this was his niche!

I've always loved music and dancing and the performing arts, but watching my son enjoy those things gives me a new reason to love it. This year when I found out that he hadn't signed up for the school musical I was so disappointed. When he told me it was The Children of Eden I could understand his hesitation. We saw the play tonight and while I did enjoy it, I also understood. I am thankful for a son who recognizes what his values are and I am thankful for the joy he finds in music. I feel very blessed to have Braxton as a part of our family! 

I am thankful for Braxton and 

I am thankful for Music and the Arts!

Friday, November 12, 2021


Wherefore, do the things which I have told you I have seen that your Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, for this cause have they been shown unto me, that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter. For the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water; and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost.

-2 Nephi 31:17 

How do you even talk about repentance? A better question is, if you know about repentance, how do you not talk about repentance? I have felt the love of the Lord come upon me as I have walked through the steps of repentance. I am so thankful for a loving God who has a way for us to come back to him. I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ who made it possible for me to repent. I am so thankful that I can have that heavy load lifted off of my shoulders and I can be made whole again. I am thankful for the scriptures that lead me to Christ and teach me about repentance, especially the Book of Mormon. With a quick search tonight I learned that the word repentance is in the Book of Mormon 93 times, the Doctrine & Covenants 33 times, the New Testament 25 times, the Pearl of GP 3 times, and the Old Testament once. I am thankful that the Lord loves me enough to give me a way to escape my sins, but even more I am grateful to know that he's given a way for my husband and children a way to escape theirs also. God lives and loves us. Of that I am certain. 

Today I was reminded of this beautiful video, about redemption, made by a friend and classmate from many years earlier life. I hope that it touches you! I love you...but more importantly God Loves You!

I am thankful for the gift of repentance!

Carried, Lifted, and Supported

When thinking of New York one of the first things that come to mind is the Subway. Of course, there is always the old-fashioned way of getti...